
Friday, 28 February 2014

How Do People Express Their Feelings?

I Am Learning To Write An Explanation

Different people show different types of feelings. Their feelings come out when people are happy, sad and scared.

When people are happy, they smile and say good things to the other people around them. But when they are sad they cry and go near their parents to help them feel comfortable. When they are scared they run away from the danger.

Also people usually get really angry when other people annoy them. You can tell a person is angry when they are kicking anything in their way. When people are feeling kind of sick they have a tired look on their face. Then they start to vomit everywhere they go.

So these are some of the ways people express their feelings in every situation. Can you think of any others. . .


Anonymous said...

Well done. You can use the structure and features of an explanation.

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